
The JSA Papers Vols 7-12

We are pleased to present online versions of the Johnson Society of Australia’s Papers, Volumes 7 – 12 (2005 – 2010) including the annual Fleeman Lectures, in PDF format.

We hope soon to be able to add more recent Volumes of the Papers


Volume 12 (2010) (762.9kB PDF – opens in new window)

Ann Blake, ‘An Ornament of the Metropolis’? Johnson, Sheridan and the London Theatre (Fleeman Lecture)

Daniel Vuillermin, Boswell’s and Reynolds’s Conflicting Diagnoses and the 19th Century Genre Paintings of Dr Johnson

Barrie Sheppard, Johnson and Metaphor

Nicholas Hudson, Johnson and the Grammarians

Barbara Niven, The London Bach: A Musical Interlude (stub paper)

Volume 11 (2009) (364.6kB PDF – opens in new window)

Paul Tankard, Reference Point: Samuel Johnson and the Encyclopaedias (Fleeman Lecture)

Geoff Brand, On the Side of the Angels: Buffon, Linnaeus and The Great Chain of Being

Barrie Sheppard, John Law and Dr Johnson: on Money, Trade and Gambling

Wallace Kirsop, The Elocutionist and the Lexicographer: Benjamin Suggit Nayler reads Samuel Johnson

John Wiltshire and Daniel Vuillermin, Facing up to Johnson

Volume 10 (2008) (365kB PDF – opens in new window)

Alan Saunders, Doing Philosophy with Samuel Johnson (Fleeman Lecture)

Paul Tankard, The False Formosan

Kate Burridge, ‘Corruptions of Ignorance’, ‘Caprices of Innovation’: Linguistic Purism and the Lexicographer

John Wiltshire, Fanny Burney, Boswell and Johnson

Volume 9 (2007) (397.3kB PDF – opens in new window)

Chris Ackerley, Human Wishes: Samuels Johnson and Beckett (Fleeman Lecture)

Basil Stafford Jnr, Johnson and Painting

Philip Harvey, Good Living: The Poetry of Samuel Johnson

Wal MacDougall, Three 18th Century Lichfield Poets

Volume 8 (2006) (365kB PDF – opens in new window)

Bryan O’Connor, Boswell and Rousseau: Liberty and Duty (Fleeman Lecture)

Jan Lowe, The Man Who Could Write Anything: Oliver Goldsmith

Chris Morris, ‘Worse than a Gaol’: Seafaring in the 18th Century

Robert Kemp, Johnson and Boswell, Inverted (stub paper)

Volume 7 (2005) (397.3kB PDF – opens in new window)

John Hardy, ‘Johnson and the Truth,’ Revisited (Fleeman Lecture)

Genny Gebhardt, ‘Rough Music’: Street Theatre in Johnson’s England

Bryan O’Connor, Bozzy and Women

Nicholas Hudson, Mr Johnson Changes Trains