There will be some departures from the usual format for the JSA’s 2010 seminar on Saturday, July 24 with a more varied and entertaining program.
In addition to three main papers by Prof Wallace Kirsop, Nick Hudson and Paul Tankard, Prof Kate Burridge will present a “stub” paper – a short discussion of a subject from her speciality, linguistics.
These will be followed by readings on various Johnsonian subjects by Barrie Sheppard, Bronwen Hickman and John Byrne. The will also be music, with a brief commentary supplied by Barbara Niven.
The seminar will be held at the usual venue, the English Speaking Union at 146 West Toorak Road South Yarra, starting at 11am, and finishing around 4.30 pm, with the bar open until 6pm to allow for some convivial fraternization. A light lunch will be served and morning and afternoon tea provided.
Full details of speakers and subjects will becirculated to members before the seminar.