Members are reminded that subs for 2013-2014 are due on 1 July this year.
Following a decision at last year’s AGM, a new category, Household Membership, will be introduced to cover more than one person living at the same address.
Fees for the coming year are therefore as follows:
- Individual membership: $50.00
- Individual concession (pensioners, students): $40.00
- Household membership: $75.00
- Household concession: $65.00
Payment may be made:
- by cheque, made out to the Johnson Society of Australia and sent to:
- at the 2013 Annual Seminar on Saturday 6 July 2013, by cheque made out as above or in cash, in a separate envelope marked on the outside with your name/s and the amount being paid;
- by Pay Pal – see the JSA web site
Prompt payment would be greatly appreciated as it reduces administration costs (in time and money).
For your membership, you receive:
- The Society’s quarterly newsletter, The Southern Johnsonian
- JSA Papers, the Society’s annual volume of Seminar Papers and Fleeman Lectures;
- Concession rates for JSA events held at the English Speaking Union, including the one-day Annual Seminar, the annual David Fleeman Memorial Lecture and the annual Christmas party
- Reminder notices for JSA events
This is good value for money by any criterion.