Because of the Lockdowns some of our planned events for 2020 have been cancelled or postponed. However this has not stopped society members preparing their own items and sharing with others.
Here are the first four.
‘Samuel Johnson, a shelf of books and an uncomfortable question‘
Dennis Dorwick moves on from reflecting on ‘The five best books on Samuel Johnson’ to pondering his own reading habits.
Mr Irwin – Kiwi Johnsonian and the Hawk.
Peter Hardie reflects on two rare books, one on Johnson and one on Boswell (although not so rare as to be missing from John Byrne’s Library).
The End of a Friendship
Merrowyn Deacon traces the breakdown of Johnson’s relationship with Hester Thrale following her husbands death and subsequent marriage to Gabriel Piozzi.
Johnson on Pandemics
Through looking at definitions in Johnson’s Dictionary, Ian Keese explores what knowledge people at the time had on Pandemics and Infections.